Welcome to another 420 sale today the 20th day of the 4th month!
4 new colorways available featuring the 2 new Watcher sculpts from the April Fools sale a couple weeks ago.
Sunny Side Up - Indica Watcher ($95) ~Sleepy eyes and a sunny disposition~
Green Daze - Sativa Bird Watcher ($95 coldcast) ~Do you have the time to listen to me whine About nothing and everything all at once?~
Hot Box - Indica Watcher ($85) ~Lets box-hot the place dude~
Vape Nation - Indica/Sativa Watcher ($65) ~Vape Naysh Yall~
In case you missed last weeks sale I now have a Discord !
As well as some shirts and a print on my website!
Thanks for checking out my sale and see you next month for some spring cleaning!
**Indica Watcher is the Decaffeinated Watcher. Sativa Watcher is the Caffeinated Watcher for those who are likely confused..