1st Sale of 2025
Hello! Its 2025 and here is a sale!
All of these caps were actually made last year but just never fit in to any sales.
I have not managed any casting time this year just yet as a my personal life has taken some unexpected twists and turns(who knew suddenly having to homeschool your 6 year old would be stressful and time consuming?!).
But I still plan to have a sale every month so keep an eye out for something new in Feb!
In other news this will likely be my last sale posted to Instagram. For a long time I have not enjoyed my time with that app and with everything going on with META and sucking up to the far right and all that I think it's time to say goodbye!
So please signup to my mailing list HERE or join my Discord HERE to stay up to date with my sales.
ok onto the caps!
*Keycap Menu*
Glintstone / Scarlet Rot - Xeno Watcher ($95 coldcast UV/GLOW)
Glintstone / Scarlet Rot - Husk ($75 coldcast UV/GLOW) Made for a new Elden Ring sale that never materialized..
Blood Stone - Watcher ($70) A Watchtober leftover that never fit into a sale..
The Other Deep Space - Xeno Watcher ($95) this was a different version I made along with the other Deep Space during Watchtober..